Solar LED lights are LED lights used mostly for outdoor lighting. These are used in conjunction with solar panels that capture sunlight and heat. Solar energy so captured is used to charge rechargeable batteries that supply power to Solar LED lights. Some of these Solar LED lights used for outdoor lighting have even a self-programmed on/off feature and, therefore, one need not purchase extra timers. These are convenient to use, energy efficient, easily portable and ideal for outdoor usage. Being energy efficient, areas can be kept lit for as long as 12 hours a day.
Advanages of solar powered LED lights.
1.LED lights operate at an efficiency of 90% as compared to incandescent bulbs which operate at 5%
2.They are a great opportunity to reduce your dependence on the state energy grid
3Substantial reduced energy bills
4.Low on maintenance, they have a lifespan of 50, 000 hours